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Faculty Development Resources
Cornerstones of Portfolio
Please review the Cornerstones of Portfolio eModule to review everything you need to know to be a Portfolio Scholar.
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Creating Effective Presentations
This presentation reviews tips for creating effective slide presentations.
Electives LACT Form
This is a sample of an Electives preceptor evaluation Learner Assessment of Clinical Teacher (LACT) form.
Entrustable Professional Activities (EPA) Key Observable Behaviours
This document lists the EPA key observable behaviours.
Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs): What You Need to Know
This brief video and primer, intended for students, residents, and faculty provides an overview of EPAs for the MD Program. It demonstrates a framework for approaching EPA observation, feedback and assessment, and offers tips for success.
Video - Entrustable Professional Activities: What You Need to Know
Primer - Entrustable Professional Activities: EPA Pilot Primer (Assessors)
Essentials for Teaching Case-Based Learning (CBL)
This purpose of this emodule is to provide an alternative orientation to teaching in the Foundations curriculum for anyone who is unable to attend a face-to-face session and to provide a resource to review the materials prior to your teaching date. This emodule covers:
- What are the goals of CBL?
- What is CBL and its role in the Foundations curriculum?
- What are the major differences between CBL & PBL
Emodule (best viewed in Chrome):
This resource reviews how to access the LACT form on MedSIS.
FAQ - FMLE Stipend Payment Process
This resource reviews the FMLE stipend payment process for preceptors.
Fitz - Patient Panel Document for Patients and Families
FITZ: This document describes the Patient Panel for prospective patient panelists and their families. Students should provide a copy of this document to patients when seeking their participation and verbal agreement.
FMLE Dates
This resource lists the FMLE dates for Block 1 and Block 2.