Student talking to tutor

Professional Behaviour

Being a professional is one of the key attributes of being a physician. Since 2017 the MD program has been using a competency based approach to support and assess the development of the students’ professional identity. In 2024, revisions were made to the assessment tool to focus on key relationships within a physician’s professional life. Below are resources to help tutors assess student professional behaviour in the MD Program.


All MD Program teachers are asked to become familiar with the following resources when preparing for their teaching roles (1) Psychological Safety and (2) Learner Mistreatment.

The Essentials

These essential resources will review:

- Competency-based Assessment of Professional Behaviour 
- How the Assessment of Professional Behaviour forms are completed
- What are Critical Incident Reports and when to fill it out
- What are the standards of achievement and what happens when a student doesn't meet it
- What changes have been made in 2024

To access any of the resources, select and click on a link on the right.


Please refer to the Guidelines for the Assessment of Student Professionalism for the description of the approach and the processes being used in the MD Program in the Temerty Faculty of Medicine.

The assessment of professional behaviours is in alignment with the guidelines for practicing physicians. Please refer to the CMA and CPSO guidelines.

To access any of the resources, select and click on a link on the right.